Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Strength Training

About a year and a half before the 2011 Baltimore Marathon, I started gathering info about how and when to start training for it. I decided instead of giving myself 6 months to build mileage, I'd give myself a year. I wanted to make sure I had enough time for injuries.

So it was a long, slow build. I did suffer with various injuries at different times, but I have to note that I stayed almost completely injury-free during the 10-month period of time that I was doing strength training on non-running days at the local YMCA. Only once did I get hurt, and it was due to my then longest-run-ever, which was also through an uncharacteristically treacherous course. I long-jumped over a frozen stream at about the 7-mile mark, and angered my Achilles tendon during the push-off. Though it hurt badly after I landed, I decided to keep going for another 4. I don't think any amount of strength training will prevent injury if I'm not using common sense!

But that was the only injury I suffered while supplementing my running with strength training. A tally reveals four injuries during the 12 months without strength training, vs only one in that 10-month period with strength training. Pretty convincing evidence that I need to get back into a gym.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

An Introduction to Me and My Running

I guess I should start by saying this is really an odd time for me to start a running blog. After all, I've been running for almost 2 years now...

A little backstory...

That's a "Before and During" of my big head below. At 6'1", I weighed 271 pounds. Not exactly Biggest Loser material, but by most medical criteria, I was squarely in the "obese" category.

I didn't start out doing everything all at once... no running just yet. My pursuit of a healthier lifestyle began with changes to my diet in June 2009. By the time the "October 2009" photo below was taken (still 2 months pre-running), I was down to the 230s.

About the halfway mark. This weight loss came solely from changes in diet, and a little walking.
More after the break...